Tuesday 9 July 2019

Uncovering Some Things That Can Put Your Teeth in Jeopardy

If you often chomp your pen or pencil, you need to STOP it right now! You may not realize but this habit may cause stress fracture to your teeth in the long run. Moreover, you often do many things unknowingly that could put your teeth in jeopardy.

Here are some other things that are slowly damaging your teeth, so you must avoid them at the earliest:

Over bleaching

Everyone wants perfect pearly white teeth, so most people use over-the-counter kits containing bleaching agents to keep their teeth white. But according to the dentists in India, these dental kits are damaging to your teeth. Over time, it may lead to enamel loss and can cause permanent tooth sensitivity. You must only use such dental products only after consulting your dentist. 

Brushing right after meals

According to the best dentist in India, it’s not good to brush immediately after eating your food, especially after consuming acidic drinks and foods. Foods containing citric acids like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits can soften your tooth enamel for a while. So, brushing immediately after eating them can damage the enamel and weaken your teeth. Wait for at least 30 to 45 minutes after eating to brush your teeth. 

Being inconsistent in brushing or flossing

Whether or not you have undergone a smile makeover in Delhi, you must not avoid brushing or flossing your teeth. Being inconsistent in brushing or flossing can lead to bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseases. But brushing too frequently is also damaging to your tooth enamel. Therefore, it is best to brush twice a day or three times (after lunch), followed by flossing. 

Keeping a toothbrush in portable toothbrush holders

You’ll be surprised to know that your dentists in India don’t recommend keeping a toothbrush in a portable toothbrush holder. Why? This is because your portable toothbrush holders are not as tidy as you may think. You often put your toothbrush wet in your toothbrush holder, where bacteria may thrive in wet condition. Instead, store your toothbrush in a clean cup away from the toilet. Also, ensure that your toothbrush bristles don’t touch the bristles of any other family member’s toothbrush.

Using a toothpick

You can use a toothpick occasionally to get rid of large food particles in-between your teeth. But don’t use a toothpick to replace your dental floss. If used with force, it can damage your teeth or gums badly. In case, you have done a smile makeover in Delhi recently, it’s best to stick to dental floss for cleaning to avoid any damage to the treated area. 


  1. Thanks for taking the time to share this informative information on ways that can harm your dental health. I enjoyed going over the one's you included in this article. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the wonderful work.
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