Wednesday 15 May 2019

The Impact of Sugar on Our Oral Hygiene

Since childhood, we have been told not to eat too much sugar or we’ll have tooth decay. But most of us are still not aware of how exactly this happens. It is not just the sugar itself but a series of event that leads to tooth decay after you have a delicious piece of cake or chocolate.  

How Cavities Develop

Reportedly, our mouth is full of bacteria. While some bacteria types are good for the oral ecosystem, several other harmful oral bacteria feed on sugar to create acids that ultimately damage the enamel of our tooth or teeth. Cavities are nothing but a bacterial infection caused due to the accumulation of acids in your mouth. To get rid of cavities, you need to consult the best dentist in India or in your city so that you get the best dental treatment. 

Acids attack teeth

Acids produced by oral bacteria start attacking enamel through the demineralization process. But the good news is that you can reverse the effect of such oral damage via good smile makeover in Delhi.

In a smile makeover, your dentist usually makes use of the natural remineralisation process to eliminate the minerals produced by acids in your mouth. This process again strengthens the teeth and gums. 

How to Remineralize Tooth Enamel

It is recommended to cut down the sugar to let your mouth produce enough saliva to bathe teeth in the much-needed minerals. It is advised to chew sugar-free gum and even consume fibrous fruits and vegetables to stimulate saliva production. You may even have yoghurt, cheese and other dairy food items to strengthen teeth, as all these products include calcium and phosphates. Besides that, it is recommended to consume more green and black teas, as these products contain certain substances that suppress the growth of oral bacteria. 

Dentists even apply fluoride on a tooth that has decayed to prevent further decaying. This chemical substance is also known to reverse the initial stages of tooth decay. However, if your teeth require replacement due to excessive bacterial damage, you need to consult a specialist in dental implants in India

How to maintain healthy teeth 

To keep your teeth healthy and strong for several years, you need to clean them with a quality toothpaste containing fluoride to clean out sugar-dependent germs for at least 12 hours. Regular cleaning and maintenance is the key to prevent the adverse effects of sugar on teeth. Even encourage your children to consume less sugar and brush away all the bacteria-containing plaque every morning and at night. 

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