Tuesday 26 March 2019

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in India?

When we go for any treatment – major or minor – one of the primary concerns we have is the cost factor. In the era of increasingly shooting up healthcare cost, it is imperative that you prepare yourself financially more than mentally and physically before going for a surgery. This is the case with dental implant too and people who want to go for the best dental implants are concerned about the tooth implant cost in India or any other country for that matter. 

To the newbie, dental implants are known for providing a solid foundation for the permanent and removable prosthesis, which are developed to match the natural teeth. Prostheses are manufactured from biologically neutral pure titanium or titanium alloys. The best part about these is the fact that the human body accepts these and implants fuse with jawbone forming a secure foundation for tooth replacement. 

Dental implants are of different types. People can opt for conventional implants, immediate implants and immediate loaded implants. People can opt for the one based on their requirements, budget or depending on what the dentist has recommended for them according to their general dental condition. For dentists in India to make this recommendation, a panoramic x-ray and/or CT scan is usually required to precisely evaluate the amount of bone, determine the space available, as well as for thorough examination to diagnose the options that suit the best for each case.

How much does a dental implant cost?

Now is the million dollar question that most of the people who are considering a dental implant any time soon or in the distant future. As said, the cost of a dental implant depends on the type of implant being chosen. If we talk about the top implant, it costs anywhere around INR 35k to 40K here in India. It also depends on the company-to-company that provides implants. If the implant is taken from the Nobel Biocare, it coasts in the range mentioned above.

The overall cost also depends on the choice of crowns. The porcelain fused to base metal crown and bridge cost around INR 7500 each. Porcelain fused to metal crown (CAD-CAM designed) with screw-retained costs INR 10k each. Dentist in India also offers the top end Zirconia metal-free crowns each of which costs anywhere close to INR 15000. In addition to this, the Zirconia with metal-free crown-screw retained costs anywhere close to INR20k. Moreover, the cost of an implant may also vary on the basis of the number of sittings required for the same. 

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