Thursday 20 February 2020

What are root canals? Where to get it done in Delhi?

A root canal is a treatment done to repair a badly decayed tooth instead of removing it. A root canal means cleaning the canals inside a tooth’s root. During the root canal procedure, the nerve of the tooth is removed and then the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Root canal treatment is required in dental conditions like tooth decay, trauma and chipping to the tooth. The treatment helps eliminate the root cause of pain and makes the tooth usable.

Earlier, the root canal treatment used to be painful but with the advancement in technology, the treatment has become pain-free. A high-tech dental clinic in Delhi usually provides safe, easy and pain-free root canal treatment.

Benefits of root canal treatment:

The biggest advantage the root canal treatment is that it saves the tooth. There will be no missing teeth or gaps after this treatment, as the extraction is avoided in this treatment. Apart from this, there are many other benefits, including:

Stops infection from spreading 

Tooth decay is caused due to certain bacteria, which act on food stuck in the teeth and cause infection. With the root canal treatment, the bacteria causing the infection are removed. This further stops the infection from spreading and other teeth getting infected.

Saves teeth

The root canal is a treatment done to repair the infected tooth without removing it. The infected tooth is first cleaned and then an artificial tooth crown is placed on the infected tooth to give it a natural look.

Prevents toothache

Tooth decay or tooth cavity causes toothache. Severe tooth pain can also occur if there is an infection in the tooth or gums surrounding the tooth. A cavity in the tooth lets air and germs inside the tooth, which irritates and infects the sensitive nerves, leading to tooth pain. During the root canal therapy, the nerves causing tooth pain are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. 

Enhances overall health

A person with the infected tooth is likely to suffer from severe toothache, stomach infections, gastrointestinal infections and throat infection. A root canal treatment ensures the well-being of the person by maintaining overall health.

Enhances visual appeal

A tooth crown, placed during the root canal treatment, functions like any other teeth in your mouth. The treatment at the top dental clinic in New Friends Colony can ensure visually appealing results and improved smile. For the clinic offers comprehensive dental solutions, including root canal therapy.

Best Dental clinic in Delhi to get your root canals done

Though root canal treatments are performed in many dental clinics, making the treatment painless is a specialist’s forte. The leading dental clinic in New Friends Colony offers a painless root canal treatment. The team of specialists at the dental clinic have expertise in the root, which keeps honing their skill to perform the treatment painlessly.

So, get your appointment fixed with the trusted dentists at the top dental clinic in Delhi today because every tooth in the mouth is more valuable than a diamond.

Tuesday 21 January 2020

How to Floss, Brush and Multitask Your Way to Better Oral Health

Oral hygiene is important for oral health. It plays a vital role in maintaining the health of your teeth and gums in the long run. While we may argue that dental hygiene is not a Herculean task, it is not an easy task. It does require its fair share of understanding and know-how. With that in mind, let us take a closer look at how we can brush, floss and multitask our way to better oral health in 2020!

Brushing your teeth properly

The best dentist in Delhi will tell you that the goal of brushing your teeth is to not only remove food particles from your mouth but remove plaque as well. Plaque is a translucent substance that forms above the teeth and gums with time. Caused by bacteria, plaque can lead to several dental issues, including discoloration of teeth, cavities, bad breath, etc.

You need to brush your teeth for at least two minutes every time. Make sure you brush the top of the tooth, as well as the inside area using gentle, back and forth motions. Brush other areas like the gum line, soft tissues and the tongue as well to remove oral bacteria. Brush twice a day to keep the teeth clean and free of bacteria in the long run.

Flossing properly

The best way to remove food particles and bacteria between the teeth is to floss the latter. Regular flossing prevents bacteria from settling inside the tiny gaps between the teeth and on the gum line. 

When flossing, use your index finger to guide the floss in and around the gaps surrounding your teeth. Use gentle, back and forth motions to remove any food particle stuck in between the teeth. Do not use too much force, as this may cause the floss to scrape or cut the gums. Use a curved shape of the floss to clean the gumline. Change the area of floss for each tooth, as this prevents you from moving the plaque from one tooth to another. 

Following proper dietary measures

Most if not all of the dental clinics in India will advocate the fact that you will need to follow appropriate dietary measures to maintain oral health. It is a known fact that bacteria thrive on sugar, meaning the more sugar you intake, the higher the chances of getting cavities and gum diseases. 

Include more lean proteins and vegetables in your daily diet while limiting the use of sugary and processed foods. Avoid snacking in between meals to ensure your mouth remains clean in between brushings. Instead of relying on sugary or carbonated beverages to quench your thirst, consider drinking water. In addition to hydrating your body, water would flush away any bacteria hiding in your mouth.

Following the golden rule of oral hygiene

In addition to these tips, make sure to follow the golden rule of oral hygiene, which comprises the following steps.

Step 1: Brushing twice a day, making sure you brush your teeth for at least two minutes.
Step 2: Flossing your teeth regularly after meals.
Step 3: Limiting the intake of snacks once a day.
Step 4: Visiting your dentist at least twice a year for a complete oral exam and other procedures like professional cleaning if necessary. 

Sunday 8 December 2019

What Are the Most Common Dental Problems and Their Solutions?

No one likes a visit to the dentist. Rather, the very mention of the words dentist and dental treatment can send shivers running our spine. However, if we encounter a dental problem, there is no better option than visiting a dentist to take care of it right then and there. Regular dental checkups can keep you safe and away from dental problems while educating you on the best practices needed to keep these problems at bay.

Common Causes for Dental Problems

Here are some common dental problems you need to know about, as well as the measures needed to treat/prevent them.

Bad Breath

Right up at the top of the list of dental problems is bad breath, aka halitosis. An embarrassing problem to deal with, bad breath occurs due to several dental problems, including dry mouth, bacteria build-up, cavities, gum disease or oral cancer. While using a mouth wash can only mask the issue for a while, you will need to visit a dentist to treat chronic bad breath.

Decayed Tooth

Tooth decay, aka cavities, is a common dental problem among individuals of all ages. A cavity occurs when the plaque on the teeth combines with the starch and sugars in the food you eat. The result of this combination is an acid that will attack, erode the tooth enamel and gradually drill a hole through the tooth. While improper dental hygiene is the main cause for cavities, issues like dry mouth and certain medications are also to blame at times.

Cracked/Broken Tooth

A mouth injury can result in a cracked or broken tooth. In addition to this, a tooth can get cracked or broken by chewing hard foods. You may crack or break a tooth if you have the habit of grinding teeth while sleeping at night. In the event of a cracked or broken tooth, visit a dentist to take care of the tooth.

Sensitive Teeth

Also termed as dentin hypersensitivity, sensitive teeth are a problem that affects lots of people. Tooth sensitivity can stem from a variety of issues, including cracked/broken teeth, mouth sores, tooth abscess, worn-out dental crowns and fillings, receding gums and gum diseases, etc. In some cases, tooth sensitivity may arise from thinner enamel.

Some of the common symptoms of tooth sensitivity include pain and discomfort experienced whenever the affected tooth comes in contact with sweets, hot or cold drinks, ice creams or cold air, etc. If you experience these symptoms, chances are you have a sensitive tooth that needs to be checked out by a dentist.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores can be painful to deal with. While they do disappear on their own, they tend to create some problems until they do so. Some of the common mouth sores include canker sores, cold sores, fever blisters, etc. In some cases, mouth sores can also be caused by oral thrush. While mouth sores are harmless, they may be a cause for concern if they do not disappear within two weeks or so.

Gum Disease

Aka periodontal disease, gum disease arises due to an infection in the gums. Periodontal diseases, often linked to tooth loss in individuals, usually affects adults over 30 years of age. While smoking is considered the main cause of gum disease, dry mouth and diabetes are also risk factors. Some of the symptoms of gum disease include inflamed gums, bleeding gums, bad breath, sensitive teeth, and pain while biting or chewing foods.

Oral Cancer

Affecting millions of people around the world, oral cancer is a serious dental issue that needs to be treated as soon as you start noticing the initial symptoms. Some of the biggest risk factors of this disease, which is more common in individuals aged over 40 years, include rough patches, lumps, and sores in the mouth. The main risk factors for oral cancer include alcohol, tobacco and a virus called HPV, which is transmitted sexually.

Treating Common Dental Problems

With the knowledge we have gained of the different kinds of dental problems we may face, let’s take a brief look at the different ways in which we can treat or prevent these problems. Your dentist will be the best person to recommend these treatments to you.

Regular professional cleanings

It pays to visit your dentist once in two months or so to have your teeth professionally cleaned. Professional cleaning can help you get rid of plaque and tartar build-up on the teeth. Once the tartar is removed, the dentist will proceed to brush your teeth using a high powered brush and then floss and rinse off any debris. In some cases, the doctor may recommend a deep cleaning routine, which involves removing tartar build-up from the areas below the gumline. This routine is usually called scaling or root planing.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a substance, which can fight germs and strengthen tooth enamel. After a regular cleaning routine, your dentist may recommend a fluoride treatment, which would also make your teeth more resilient to acids and bacterial attacks.

Antibiotic Treatments

Your dentist looks for dental issues like tooth abscesses or gum infections during the cleaning process. In the case of an apparent infection, the dentist may recommend an antibiotic treatment wherein he/she would administer an antibiotic to treat the infection and prevent it from spreading to other areas of the mouth. The antibiotic may be a capsule, gel, oral tablet or a topical gel.

Crown, Filling and Sealant Treatments

If you have a crack, hole or cavity in a tooth, the dentist will recommend you opt for a filling procedure. The procedure involves removing the affected area of the tooth with a drill and then filling the hole with amalgam or another composite material.

If a larger portion of the tooth has broken off or needs to be removed, your dentist will recommend covering it with a crown. A regular crown will be designed to fit right over the affected tooth, replacing the missing portion of the tooth. In case you already have an implant, you may need to opt for a dental implant, which would fit over an implant.

Your dentist may also recommend the use of a sealant to keep away cavities. Painless and easy to apply, dental sealants are often recommended for children aged 6 or above (when their first set of molars come out) and aged 12 or above (when the second set of molars appear).

Root Canal Treatments

If the tooth has decayed to the point where the decay has reached the nerve underneath the tooth, you may need to opt for a root canal treatment to remove the affected tooth and nerve. While the tooth is replaced by a dental implant, the affected nerve is removed and its space is filled with a biocompatible material. In most cases, this material will be a mix of adhesive cement and a rubbery material known as gutta-percha.

Surgical Remedies for Dental Problems

If there is a serious periodontal issue, you may need to opt for oral surgery to rectify the issue. Some common oral surgeries conducted for the treatment of dental issues include:

Flap Surgery

In a flap surgical procedure, the dental surgeon would make a small cut into the gum and then lift a small section of the tissue. The surgeon will then remove any bacteria or tartar collected underneath the gums. Following this, the flap will be stitched back in place.

Soft Tissue Grafting Surgery

Usually recommended for receding gums, soft tissue grafting surgeries involve removing small pieces of tissues from the mouth and replacing these areas with tissues received from a donor.

Bone Grafting Surgery

A bone grafting surgery is recommended when an existing dental issue like gum disease has damaged the bone beneath the tooth. During the procedure, the dentist will remove the affected bone and then replace it with a bone graft. This graft is usually crafted from the patient’s bone or a donated or synthetic bone.

Tooth Extraction Surgery

If your tooth is too damaged to be treated by the root canal or any other kind of dental surgery, the dentist may recommend removing the entire tooth. In some cases, tooth extraction surgery is advised for the removal of wisdom teeth or impacted third molars as well. In any case, the dentist will recommend a tooth to be extracted if it starts to affect the other teeth around it and starts to cause discomfort in the form of pain, inflammation, etc.

Dental Implant Surgery

Let’s say you lost a couple of teeth to dental problems at an early age. Your best option to restore the gap due to the missing tooth is a dental implant. A dental implant is an artificial tooth, which is surgically placed into your jawbone. Smile Delhi - The Dental Clinic has the best Dental implants in Delhi. Moreover, after the dental implant, with time, the bones will start to grow around the implant and hold it in place. If you need to replace more than one tooth, the dentist would customize a dental bridge for your mouth. This dental bridge will usually consist of two abutment crowns placed on both sides of the gap and a row of artificial teeth placed in between them.

Treating/Preventing Dental Problems with Daily Habits

In addition to these treatments and procedures to take care of dental problems, your dentist will recommend a change in your daily habits to take care of your teeth better. Some of these changes will include:

  • Brushing twice a day (as soon as you get up in the morning and right before you go to sleep at night) and flossing at least once every day.
  • Using fluoride-based toothpaste to clean and strengthen your teeth. In case you have sensitive teeth, look for toothpaste and mouthwash that are recommended for sensitive teeth.
  • Not missing your regular dental checkups. Dental problems have their way of popping up even if you follow proper oral hygiene. As such, getting your teeth cleaned professionally by a dentist and arranging for a dental check-up visit at least once every six months can be beneficial for your teeth in the long run. 
  • Dentists in Delhi suggests eating the right foods while avoiding the wrong ones. While you should eat foods that are high in fiber and other essential nutrients, you need to stop or limit the intake of foods with high levels of sugar and fat. 
  • Foods that need to be included in your daily diet are vegetables and fruits. Accordingly, the foods you need to limit include sugary snacks/drinks and foods that contain hidden sugars. These include, but are not limited to, ketchup, barbecue sauce, and other condiments, fruits in cans, sodas, flavored yogurts, sweetened teas, energy drinks, juice blends, cereal bars, muffins, etc.
  • Avoiding tobacco products. Tobacco is one of the main causes of tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. Avoiding the use of tobacco and tobacco-related products can keep your teeth and gums healthy in the long run.

Thursday 14 November 2019

How Often You Ought to Replace Your Toothbrush?

Everyone tells you to brush regularly to keep your mouth healthy but how many people have told you about the importance of replacing your toothbrush regularly? Do you know how many bacteria can live on the toothbrush? The real question is do you really want to know?

Your mouth is an important part of your body, as you rely on it for many activities, from talking to enjoying a meal. So, it goes without a doubt that you need to take very good care of it. Toothbrushes play a vital role in cleaning your gums and protecting your gums against the dental plaque. But how long do they last? When do we know that it’s time to replace it? Don’t worry we are here to answer all your questions.

The two main reasons to replace your toothbrush are:

  1. House for Bacteria
  2. Mechanical Wear

According to a prominent New Delhi Dental Clinic, a person should replace their toothbrush every 3-4 months to maintain a proper oral health routine, as bacteria tend to grow faster in moist environments. 

In case you have been sick, change the toothbrush once your health is recovered to prevent the bad bacteria to enter your system. 

You can also change it sooner if the bristles are frayed because they won’t clean your teeth as thoroughly and will become insufficient to remove dental plaque over time.

Check your children’s toothbrushes regularly because they might need you to change it more often, as they brush more rigorously than adults. You can also try to get into a habit of buying brand new toothbrushes for your family members multiple times per year. So even though they might forget to replace it, you’ll always have a new, clean toothbrush waiting in the cabinet for use.

Clean Toothbrushes

Like you take care of everything in your lives, toothbrushes also require your attention from time-to-time. 
  • The most important thing to do is to rinse your toothbrush properly after every use under running water and then leave it to dry in the upright position.
  • Despite the popular belief, please avoid covering your toothbrushes with plastic cases at all times unless you’re traveling. It can lead to the growth of surface bacteria on the cover itself. Also, covering it immediately means the damp bristles, creating an ideal moisturized environment for bacteria to grow.
  • You can sanitize your toothbrush by soaking it in alcohol to kill the germs.
  • Another way to keep your toothbrush clean is by dipping it in boiling water for about 5-10 seconds.
Dental treatment in Delhi is said to be one of the best in the country. They provide advice on how to properly use your toothbrush without putting too much pressure, as it might potentially hurt your gums and teeth. You can also discuss different methods with them to keep your toothbrushes clean and away from bacteria.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Is bad breath and toothache a result of a cavity?

You are experiencing a bad breath but don't have a clue what’s causing it? If you have already used different solutions without any effect, it’s time for you to visit a dental specialist.

There are numerous reasons for an unwanted oral smell and only a dentist can find out the reason for your concern. Generally, the reason behind bad breath is unidentified tooth decays, so it could be because of cavities in your mouth.

Mouth cavities are the after-effect of the damaging of tooth surface caused by bacterial growth inside your mouth. Bacteria live on bits of food or sugars that might be left in the mouth after eating or drinking, forming acids that may damage the exterior of your teeth. The longer the bacteria and these acids remain in contact with your tooth, the more are the chances of tooth decay and cavities. Both cavities and bacteria in the mouth can lead to bad breath. When your dentist in India identifies the cause, cavities and tooth decay can be treated by following the apt procedure. 

Once your teeth are in good condition again, you need to prevent tooth decay and cavities to avoid bad breath later on. Here are a few things that your dentist will suggest: 

  • Brush at least two times every day and floss before heading to sleep. This will help avoid food particles to develop cavities around your teeth.
  • Use an electric brush to eradicate food particles and plaque in areas where bacteria develop. Electric brushes have exact timers that help you remain at the sink longer for better and effective brushing.  
  • Use a tongue cleaner to remove bacteria, dead cells and food build-up from the tongue. This is generally helpful in removing coffee-breath. 
  • Have proficient dental cleaning time-to-time by the best dentist in Delhi. Your dental hygienist uses apparatuses and procedures that can evacuate the build-up from your teeth that your toothbrush can never do. Your dental test will further enable you to find out about affected regions where tooth decay is almost certain, so you can concentrate on its treatment. Also, your dental specialist will monitor existing fillings for any signs of breaking down before bacteria start to damage the teeth. 

If you believe that your cavities are causing bad breath, start with the right approach to get a fresher breath and cleaner mouth today. You can also consult your nearest dentist to take suggestions to prevent cavities and schedule regular dental checkups. 

Thursday 26 September 2019

Benefits of Chewing Gum for Your Oral Health

Many people love chewing gum regularly and probably you also belong to this league. Well if it’s true, you are going to find this article interesting, for it talks about the benefits of chewing gum for your oral health. However, some conditions are applicable like the gum should be sugar-free. So, let’s see in what ways and how chewing sugar-free gum can help you enhance your oral health, besides letting you enjoy the fun of blowing and bursting bubbles.

Fights bad breath

Bad breath is annoying and embarrassing and can be a result of reasons like poor oral hygiene, eating too much onion or garlic and dry mouth. Dentists at any dental clinic in India recommend brushing and flossing to be the best after meal options for keeping bad breath at bay. Sometimes doing these also doesn’t help and pleasant flavoured sugar-free gums come to rescue in such situations. Their minty and fruit smells work wonders to mask bad breath temporarily. 

Magical dry mouth remedy

Dry mouth, termed as Xerostomia, is a condition wherein saliva flow is less or absent. It can be a result of a variety of factors, such as dehydration, diabetes and side effect of certain medications. Inadequate saliva in the mouth is known to cause difficulty in speaking, eating and swallowing. One of the easiest ways to deal with dry mouth is to chew gum now and then. Chewing gum releases saliva in the mouth, as the process stimulates your salivary glands.

Prevents tooth decay

Saliva in our mouth serves many purposes, including, but not restricted to, washing away bacteria and debris and keeping the mouth comfortable and moist. Substances like fluoride present in our saliva help strengthen tooth enamel. Dentists and even the best implantologist in Delhi recommend people to chew good sugar-free gums after meals to prevent the acid attack in mouth. However, this doesn’t mean that you start skipping on brushing and flossing just because you are chewing gum. It simply means that chewing gum can be a helpful addition to your everyday oral care routine.

Teeth whitening

Everyone craves nice white coloured teeth but dark-coloured foods and fruits, coffee, smoking and a few other factors often stand in the way. If you don’t wish to visit your dentist for teeth whitening sittings, you can try out whitening chewing gums. Chew them after meals to protect your teeth from stains and discolouration. 

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Dead Tooth – Causes, Treatments & Preventions

A dead tooth means that your tooth is not receiving any fresh blood supply. Usually, discolouration of teeth is the first sign of a dying tooth. You may even experience pain in gums or tooth as an indicator of dental trouble.

Healthy teeth are white and shiny but the colour variation depends on your oral hygiene and diet. For instance, if you regularly eat foods that stain your teeth like red wine, coffee or blueberries or smoke a lot, your smile is likely to diminish with off-white or light yellow teeth. 

But if your particular tooth is dying, only its colour will be different than the rest of your teeth. A dying tooth may appear yellowish, light brown, grey or black. It appears to be bruised and the discolouration increases with time. You need to consult the best dentist in India to get the right treatment.

Signs of infection include:

  • Pain
  • Bad breath
  • Swelling around the gum line
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Causes of Dead Tooth

According to the dental clinics in India, injury or trauma to the tooth could be a cause of a dead tooth. For instance, if a soccer ball hits your mouth or your trip against something, the trauma may lead to a dead tooth. It may either die quickly or within a few days or several months or years. 

A tooth may even die due to bad oral hygiene. It may lead to cavities that may damage your tooth if left untreated. The dental cavities start on the tooth enamel, which if not treated on time can reach the pulp and cause infection or cut off the blood supply. You need to see the best dentist in India to cure your dying tooth.


It is essential to treat your dying tooth as soon as possible. If left untreated, the bacteria may spread and lead to tooth loss. It may even affect your gums or jawbones.

The dental clinics in India usually treat dying or dead tooth with the root canal. But if the tooth is dead already, it needs to be extracted or removed. However, you need to follow the pain management procedure (as suggested by your dentist) after the treatment for recovery.

Prevention of Dead Tooth

You can try to prevent dead tooth by the following practices:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by regular brushing and dental flossing twice a day. 
  • See the best dentist in India every six months to identify any early signs or symptoms of tooth decay. 
  • If you’re participating in any sports like boxing, hockey etc, do wear a mouth guard to prevent your teeth from any injury or trauma. 
  • Avoid eating sugary foods or drinks that may lead to tooth decay. 
  • Drink enough water after eating to eliminate the bacteria from your mouth.